Largo Michelangelo Antonioni, 1-44121 Ferrara 0532207412


Staff Mobility

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to inform you about the opportunities available through the Erasmus+ program for staff mobility, specifically under the STA (Staff Teaching Activities) and STT (Staff Training Activities) initiatives.

The Erasmus+ STA program offers teaching staff the chance to teach at one of our partner institutions across Europe, sharing your expertise, expanding your professional network, and experiencing different educational environments. It’s a unique opportunity to contribute to international collaboration while gaining fresh perspectives on your own teaching practices.

The STT program, on the other hand, is designed for all staff members—both academic and administrative—providing opportunities to participate in training events, job shadowing, workshops, and other professional development activities at partner institutions or relevant organizations abroad. This experience will allow you to enhance your skills, learn best practices from other institutions, and bring back new ideas to enrich our own work environment.

Participation in these programs not only fosters personal and professional growth but also strengthens the international ties and reputation of our Conservatory. We encourage all interested staff members to consider applying for these enriching experiences.

For more information on how to apply, eligibility requirements, and available destinations, please contact our Erasmus office, or visit our internal website.

Erasmus+ 2024: Call

How to Apply:

Partner Institutions


International Relations and Erasmus + Coordinator

Professor Marta Raviglia

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Erasmus+ Administrative Officer

Mrs. Laura Ponci

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Conservatorio Statale di Musica "Girolamo Frescobaldi"

Largo Michelangelo Antonioni, 1

44121, FERRARA (Italy)

Telephone +39 0532 207412

Fax +39 0532 247521

Conservatorio Frescobaldi

Largo Michelangelo Antonioni, 1
44121 Ferrara
Tel. 0532207412 Fax. 0532 247521
C.F. 80009060387  Codice Univoco Ufficio: UFAD9X

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Solo per atti riservati, procedimenti disciplinari